
Formakami Lamps JH3–JH5 & JH18

Designed by Jaime Hayon, 2015
$ 340.00

In typical Jaime Hayon style, these Paper Lanterns challenge convention, notes &tradition Brand Manager Martin Kornbek Hansen. Seen in an ultra light pendant lamp of rice paper, echoing ancient lanterns from Asia - reinvented in a modern aesthetic. 
Dating back centuries, paper lanterns have featured in Asia amongst the privileged and the poor, where different colours, shapes and sizes connote different meanings. Here Hayon has dispensed with cultural formalities to create a series of lanterns all in white. Hand crafted with rice paper merging various sizes and shapes together. 

Ivory white paper, black stained oak, 4 meter black fabric cord

Dimensions Ø27,6

Lead Time: 10-12 weeks